Hexpet Policy

  • There’s a legal obligation for pets to travel safely and we advise they are not in the front of the car
  • Pets should be secured within the boot with a guard blocking access to the car passenger interior or within a crate/cage securely positioned within the boot or, if you use a harness for your dog, ensure that it is appropriately sized and correctly fitted. The dog should travel on the back seat and the harness should be secured to the seat belt attachment
  • Ensure that your pet has plenty to drink so they don’t become dehydrated
  • Introduce the car gradually, making getting in and out and wearing the harness a positive experience before starting to travel anywhere
  • If you use a harness for your pet, ensure that it is appropriately sized and correctly fitted. The dog should travel on the back seat and be secured to the seat belt attachment
  • We advise securing a pet behind the front passenger seat and NEVER behind the driver in case they get hold of clothing etc. and cause the driver to lose control of the vehicle 
  • Make sure your pet gets used to the car gradually on varied trips, start on short journeys and finish at home so the dog has a positive association with the journey. It’s important to not just take them to the vets as they may develop negative associations with the car
  • Train your pet to wait calmly before being asked to jump out of the car every time. This is important as it could be dangerous if he or she jumped out into a road with traffic, for example if you were to travel into a busy area or break down on a main road. Make sure they always get in out of  the car in a controlled manner
  •        Don’t feed your pet within two hours of starting a long car journey to avoid carsickness
  •        Pack a favourite toy or blanket to give your pet a sense of familiarity
  •        Don’t allow your pet to ride with its head hanging out of the window, as it’s potentially dangerous and can cause injury

When in a vehicle make sure dogs or other animals are suitably restrained so they cannot distract you while you are driving or injure you, or themselves, if you stop quickly. A seat belt harness, pet carrier, dog cage or dog guard are ways of restraining animals in cars.

If you accept our policy but you don`t respect the rules, we are allowed to cancel the trip anytime.

Thank you.